NBCUniversal has conducted a study to uncover how to reach and communicate with Asian women. To determine which communicate methods and content theme work best for each market and for the five segments of women mentioned in the article. A presentation of the research was held last April 15, 2015 at NBC Tent The Fort.
Supplementing their favourite pastime, new research reveals that 61% of Filipinas simultaneously watch TV and look for more information about the shows they are watching.
Once considered a passive activity, Filipinas are making their TV viewing experience a more active engagement. For starters, Filipino women multitask whilst watching TV-with 65% using their smartphones and 64% on their laptops; most wanting more information on the TV show subject or the products that are advertised.
This was one of the many fascinating insights revealed at the NBCUniversal International Television's High Heeled Warriors research presentation on women's content consumption habits.
Me and my cousin at the presentation |
Whether they 'like' a brand; tweet about a tv show; follow a celebrity, post comments on a fan page or simply chat to a friend-Filipinas look to expand their TV experience via social media with 61% wanting more information on the show and 31% looking for information on the products that are advertised within the show.
"With this research , we now know how the Filipina High Heeled Warrior engages with content, her preferred formats and the various themes taht resonate," says Christine Fellowes, Managing Director, Universal Networks International, Asia-Pacific. "this information means clients can connect more deeply with the female consumers and drive even more measurable business outcomes through strategic advertising and sponsorship."
High Heeled Warriors is NBCUniversal's ground-breaking research initiative to better understand the modern Asian woman. In the latest study, the leading media and entertainment company uncovers how brands can communicate to women with content taht engages and connects with them.
65% of women in the Philippines enjoy telling friends and relatives about products taht have helped improve their lives. Not only do they trust their friends' endorsements, 63% of Filipinas' purchase decisions are strongly affected by celebrity testimonials.
Celebrities and stars-whether loal or from Hollywood-are highly popular with Filipina audiences. Some of the personalities that have been frequently mentioned in the survey responses include Angelina Jolie, Jennifer Lopez, Beyonce, kim Kardashian, Lea Salonga, Sarah Geronimo and Ruffa
Filipinas' obsession with celebrities is highly highlighted by their TV content consumption, with 51% tuning into celebrity news. Other genres and themes htaht are popular include cooking (67%); reality shows (54%) and fashion makeovers (50%).
Filipinas are also South East Asia's biggest fans of US programming, with 85% watching US shows. They like TV characters taht embody success, career-mindedness, ambition and independence, while having a strong sense of community at the same time. Fictional females such as JJ Jareau on Universal Channel's Criminal Minds, Jessica Pearson and Rachel Zane of DIVA's Suits, Detective Olivia Benson from DIVA's Law & Order: SVU and Alicia Florrick from DIVA's The Good Wife resonate women in the Philippines. #
Why are High Heeled Warriors important to the advertiser?
1. Women dominate spending in many consumer product categories.
2. Women represent a massive oppurtunity for classically "male" industries to reach a new target audience and reinvigorate flat businesses.
3. Women control USD 20 trillion in annual consumer spending and will rise to $28 Trillion in the next 5 years. Sorce: "what Women Want," Boston Consulting Group.
4. 1 billion women participate in the workforce globally and will grow to 1.2 billion in the next 5 years. Source: "The Female Economy," Harvard Business Review
5. Women are making or influencing 80% of all purchase decisions, including 60% of traditional male products (e.g. automobiles, banking and financial products and consumer electronics)
6. ASEAN has a greater percentage of women in senior management roles at 32% versus the global average of 21%. Grant Thornton 2014 Report.
High Heeled Warriors 2015, conducted in partnership with research firm Ipsos, is designed to better understand what makes female Pay-TV audiences tick. The study explores media consumption, and otivations that influence the choices they make. The latest research was conducted through online quantitative surveys and qualitative focus groups with more than 3,000 female Pay-TV subscribers aged 20 to 44 across Malayia, Singapore, The Philippines, Indonesia and Hong Kong.
High Heeled Warriors was first launched in 2011, when NBCUniversal made the strategic decision to identify its female audience. This analysis was the first step to understanding the complexity of the modern Asia women who is keeping up with the expectations as a wife, a mother or a daughter, whilst having opportunities in education and her career but not sacrificing her sense of style... or the latest handbag.
The first phase of High Heeled Warriors revealed the Filipino woman is confident, optimistic, adventurous to the point of being a risk-taker, and has a strong sense of self-identity, yet accepts societal norms. The second phase in 2013 took pay-TV viewers from the Philippines, (as well as Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and Hongkong) and classified them into five distinct segments-ambitious Trailblazers, organized Peacekeepers, spontaneous Passionistas, loyal Heartwarmers and optimistic Social-siders- according to consumer preferences and key advertising categories. The research data identified the benefits of targeting a distinct audience based on factors that are more sophisticated than demographics.
Note: This is a Press Release and the article and the contents are not mine